Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1303

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Money, Weights and Measures.— The paper currency consists of

Lithuanian marks ('ostmarks'V which originated dnrin? the German occupation. The Lithuanian mark, issued by a German Credit Hank in exchange for German marks, is guaranteed by the German Empire. It has an equal value with the German mark, and can be freely exchanged for the latter during commercial operations between Lithuania and Germany. The two currencies are legal tender, and both being guaranteed by Germany, undergo identical changes. They maintain a circulation of about a billion mu: irk, roubles of all kinds (princif«ally Czar-

roubles) are to be found, and also all kinds of Polish marks, forced upon the people during the Polish occupations, but this currency has no legal tender. It is difficult to estimate the extent of this currency ; but about 200 million ui roubles and at least half a billion of Polish marks are said to be in circulation. A special financial commission is considering the question of a uew monetary system for Lithuania.

The weights and measures are still Russian, but at the same time the metric system is used. Arrangements are being made for making the metric in obligatory.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Lithuania is Great Britain. Charged' Affaires. — F. Naransherief (May, 1921).

•2. Ok Great Britain is Lithcasia. Head of the Diplomatic Mission. — E. C. Wilton, C.M.G.

Books of Reference concerning Lithuania.

Official Pi'rlicatioss.

Elat eennomique de la Lithuanie, Lausanne,].. .

Kkret (Joseph, Dr.), Litanen .... Berne, L»19.

linignlat (W), Litauen. 1917.

Ju<->iti*(A. Kant, The History of the Lithuanian Nation. Philadelphia. I9JS.

Himi (P.), Lietuvfi, jos gyventojai ir sienos. Vilnius. 1917.— Der Wenir^an^ dea Litauiscben Staates. Berlin, 1919.

Norm (T.) and Ziliu${3.\ Lithuania's Case for Independence. Washington, 191S.

Propolani* (C, Mgr.), L'Eplise Poloraise en Lithuanie. Paris, 1914.

Rimkrt < Albinas), LietuTo* ukis pries didiji kir.i. Vilnius, 1918.

Salkautkat (Stasys), 8ur les coutlns de denx mondes. Geneva, 1919.

Skalwe it (B. , Dr. Prof.), Die Landwirtschaft in <ii-n Litiuischen GouYeraemeLts. Jena, 1918.

Szlupi* (John), Essav on the Past, Present, and Future of Lithuania. Stftekholm

VerbelU{K. L La Lithuanie Russe. Genera.

ViJunat (W. St.). Litaueu. Tilsit, 1910.

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