Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1322

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Money, Weights, and Measures.

Serbia accepted, by the law of June 20, 1875, the French decimal system for its moneys, weights, and measures. The Serbian dinar is equal to one franc. In circulation are bank notes of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 100 dinars, and 1, 2, and 10 kronen (4 kionen = ] dinar).

The decimal weights and measures (kilogram, metre, &c. ) have been in practical use since the commencement of 1883.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes in Great Britain.

Minister Plenipotentiary. — Michailo Gavrilovitch, appointed April, 1919" Secretaries. — favle Karovitch, Dusan Itesetar, and Slobodan Jovanovitch Military Attache. — Colonel Georges Ostoi'tch, C. B. Attache's. — Vladimir Milanovitch and Milivoje B. Gavrilovitch. Vice-Consul. — Favle Karovitch.

There are Consular representatives in Manchester, Bristol, Bradford, and Glasgow.

2. Of Great Britain in the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.

Envoy Extraordinary and M inister Plenipotentiary. — - Sir Charles Albau Young, K.C.M.G., M.V.O., appointed September 3, 1919. Secretaries. — W. Strang and E. A. Walker.

Military Attache. — Brigadier-General E. Hoare-Nairne, C.B., C.M.G. Commercial Secretary. — E. Murray Harvey. Consul at Zagreb. — C. T. Maclean.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning- Serbia. 1. Official Publications.

Srpske Novine (Official Gazette), Statisticki godiiujak Kraljevine Srbije (Annuaire Btatistique du Royaume de Serbie), and the publications issued by tha rarious Depart- ments of Government. Belgrade.

Ornatia-Slavonia and Fiunie ; Dalmatia; Bosnia and Herzegovina ; the Slovenes; the Jugo-Slav Movement ; Montenegro ; Serbia. (Volumes in the series of " Handbooks Pre- pared under the Direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office.")

2. Non-Official PrjBLicATioNg.

Recnik meat a u oslobodenoj oblasti Stare Srbije. Posluzbcniru podacima izradio Mil. Aut. Vujicic. Beograd, 1914.

Church (L. P.), The Story of Berbia. London, 1914.

Coquelle (P.), Le Royaume de Serbie. Paris, 1894.

Crawfurd (H.), The Balkan Cockpit. London, 1915

CvijU (Jovan), Naselia srpskikh Zemalia (Population of Serbia). Belgrade, 1909.— L'annexion de la Bosnia et la question Serbe. Paris, 1909.— Queationa Balkaniques. Vol. I. Paris, 191<i.— La Peninsule Balkanique, geographic humaine. Paris, 1918.

Denu (K ), La (Irande Serbie. Paris, 1915.

Durham (M. Edith), Through the Lands of the Serb. London, 1904.— The Burden of the Balkans. London, 1905.— Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle. London, 1920.

Forbe$ (N ) and others, The Balkans. London, 1915.

Qtorgeviteh (T. R.), Macedonia. London, 1918.

iieorgevitehiW'.), I'ie NerhiHche Fra«e. Stuttgart, 1909.

Gopcevic (S ). Snrbien Und die .Serbe.n. Leipzig, 1888.

Cravier (Q.), Des Frontlerei Blstoriqnei de la Serbie. Paris, 1919.

(iuburnatU (Comte A. de), La Serbie et les Serbes. Paris, 1898.