The ralue of the land and honse property of Sweden is thus returned for 1919 :—
Taxed : Agricultural land in the country 5,453,935,500
,, ,, in the towns 126,973,900
Other real estate in the country 2,033,040,300
,, „ „ in the towns 4,662,768,650
Untaxed : National
Belonging to commonalties academies, &c
Total 12,276,718,350
f In the country
I In the towns
the country
the towns
585,652,900 353,854,900
307,348.200 633,556,000
Total 1,880,412,000
Grand total 14,157,130,350
The expenditure for the Church is chiefly defrayed by the parishes and out of
the revenue of landed estates belonging to the Church, and the amounts do
not appear in the budget estimates. The expenses for public instruction
are in great part defrayed by the parishes.
On January 1, 1921, the public liabilities of the Kingdom, contracted
principally for productive purposes (railways, &c. ), were as follows : —
of 1880 with 3J int.
Funded loan of 1911 with 4 int. 72,000,000
1886 „
3J „
,, ,, 1913 ,, 41 „ 72,000,000
18871 „
1914 „ 5 „ 163,100,000
1888 „
„ ,, 1916 „ 5 „ 118,430,000
1890 „
31 „
,, „ 1917 „ 5 ,, 68,600,000
1894 „
3 ,,
,, „ 1918 „ 5 ,, 92,730,900
1899 ,,
31 „
Premium-bond loan 1918with 2 int.100,000,000
1900 ,,
31 „
Funded loan of 1919 with 6 int. 93,250,000
1904-06 „
31 „
1907 „
Si „
Total . . . 1,270,440,927
1908 „
31 „
The debt amounts to 217 kronor per head of the population (at the end of 1910 it was only 96 kronor per inhabitant) ; but as the receipts from business undertakings and outstanding loans in ordinary times exceed the whole interest, the charge per head is nominal. The assets entered in the State register on January 1, 1920, amounted to 2,820,690,000 kronor. To this sum may be added at least 550,000,000 kronor, representing other assets that have not been booked. Thus the financial situation of the State shows a surplus of assets of about 2,100,000,000 kronor.
The income of the communes in 1917 was 337,070,558 kronor, and the expenditure 378,157,765 kronor. Their assets amounted to 1,207,806,233 kronor, and their debts to 817,701,249 kronor. The revenue of the provincial representative bodies (landsting) was 31,148,233 kronor, and expenditure 30,904,845 kronor; their assetsSl, 210,905 kronor, and debts 36,333,892 kronor.
Defence. Army.
The military forces are recruited on the principle of universal service, but aided by a voluntarily enlisted personnel which forms the permanent cadres for training purposes.
Liability to service commences at the age of 20, and lasts till the end of the 42nd year. The men belong to the first ' uppbad ' of the active army or Beviiring for 11 years ; then for 4 years to the second 'uppbad' ; and finally
1 These bonds may be rodeemed by the National Debt Board at six months' notice. Out of this loan, the auiouut of 85,666,360 kronor was sold between 1887 and 1914.