Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1397

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The gold 100-piastre piece (which is equivalent to £Tl) weighs 7 216 grammes, - 9H» fine, and thus contains 6 '6147 grammes of fine gold. The silver 20-piaatf e piece weighs 24 055 grammes, "830 fine, and therefore contains 19 965 grammes of fine silver. £T11 equals £10 approximately (pre-war .

Weights and measures are as follows : —

The Oke, of 400 drams. . . = 28326 lbs. avoirdupois.

,, Kileh = 0-9120 imperial buahtl.

44 Okes = 1 Cantar or Kintal . = 125 lbs. avoirdupois.

3944 Okes .... =1 cwt.

180 Okes=\Cheke . . . = 511380 pounds.

1 Kile = 20 Okes . . . = - 36 imperial quarter.

816 Kilehs . . . = 100 imperial quarters.

The Endaze (cloth measure) . . = 27 inches.

,, Arshin (land measure) . . = 30 inches.

,, bunam (land measure) . . = 1,098765 square yards.

The kile is the chief measure for grain, the lower measures being de6nite weight* rather than measures. 100 kiles are equal to 12 128 British imperial quarters, or 35 -266 hectolitres.

In 1889 the metric system of weights was made obligatory for cereals ; metric weights were decreed obligatory in January 1892, but the decree is not yet enforced. In 1915 the metric system was made the official standard of weights and measures.

On March 1, 1917, the Gregorian calendar was introduced into Turkey, to be used side by side with the Hegira calendar.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Turkey in Great Britain.

Unofficial Turkish Representative in London. — Mustafa Keshid Pasha. (Appointed December, 1920).

2. Of Great Britain in Turkey.

High Commissioner and Ambassador Designate. — The Kt. Hon. Sir H. Q. If. Rumbold, Bart., K.C.M.G, M.V.O.

Head of Consular Section and Consul-Gcneral Designate.— A. T. Waugh, C.M.G.

Acting First Commercial Secretary.— A. T. "Waugh, C.M.G.

Second Commercial Secretary. — C. H. Courthope-Munroe.

Statistical and other Books of Reference. 1. Official Publications.

Sal name. Official Almanac for the Turkish Empire. Constantinople.

Constitution Ottomane promulguee le 7 Zilhiije (11/23 decembre, 1876). Constanti- nople, 1891.

Detlur, Collection of Turkish Laws, (now in process of completion).

Bulletin de Statistique. Published monthly by Ministry of Finance.

Treatr between Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the settlement of affairs in the East. Signed at Berlin, July 13, 1878. FoL London, 1878.

Foreign Office List. Published annually. London.

Turkey in Asia ; Anatolia. (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office.) London, 1920.

A Manual on the Turanians and Pan-Turanianisin. (Handbooks prepared by the Geographical Section of the- Naval Intelligence Division of the Admiralty.) London. 1921.

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