Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1401

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all Asir, whether under Idrisi or not (the great majority are independent ofhirn), 1,000,000.

5. The Imamate of Yemen, which is centred at Sana, is of considerable antiquity, the Imam tracing his descent to the Prophet's daughter Fatimah, and being credited by his Zeidist followers with infallibility and esoteric knowledge. Considerable areas are devoted to agriculture, cereals and coffee ; great tracts of mountain-land are extensively cultivated. The present Imam is Yahya Mohammed Hamid ed-Dix. Area, 75,000 square miles ; estimated population, one million. Capital, Sanaa ; population about 25,000. Chief ports, Mocha and Hodeida, population 40,000.

6. The British Protectorate of Aden {see page 95).

7. The Sultanate of Oman {see page 1147).

8. The Sultanate of Koweit, on the north-western coast of the Persian Gulf, acquired considerable importance during the discussion of the Baghdad Railway. The Sultan is subsidized by the British Government, which maintains a Political Agent at his Court The present Sultan, Ahmed ibn' Jobar, succeeded his uncle in March, 1921. Estimated population, 50,000.

9. Emirate of Kerak. — Kerak is Transjordania, and the Krnir is Abdullah, son of King Hussein.

Books of Reference.

Azoury (N.), L« Reveil de la Nation Arabe dans l'Asie Turqne. Paris, 1905.

Brimnoic (R. E.), and Domat-ewtki(.K. von), Die Provincia Arabia. 3 vols. Strassburg, 1904-OV, in MM

Burn (G. Wyinan), Arabia Infelix. London, 191.3.

CaH (Leon)," Au Sinai et dans 1'Arabie Petree. Neurhatel, 1915.

Chauvin (V.), Bibliographie des Ouvrages arabes ou relatifs aux Arabes (1810-S5). I.iege, 1S92.

kitting (Julius), Tagebuch einer Reise in Inner- Arabien. Leyden, 1914.

Fowle (T. C), Travels in the Middle East, Being Impressions on the Way in Turkish Arabia, Svria and Persia. London, 1916.

Doughtii (C. M.), Travels in Arabia Desert*. 2 vols. New edition. London, 1921.

Hogarth (D. G.), " War and Discovery in Arabia." in the Geographical Journal for June, 1920.— The Penetration of Arabia. London, 1904.

Huart (C), Geschichte der Araber. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1916.

M net (S. B.), The Countries and Tribes of the Persian Gulf. 2 vols. London, 1919.

Musil (A.), Arabia Petraea. I. Moab. Wien, 1907.

Raunkiaer (B.), Through Wahabiland on Camel-back. An account of a journey of exploration in Eastern and Central Arabia undertaken at the instance and the cost of the Royal Danish Geographical Society in 1912. (English translation.) Cairo, 1916.

Schmidt (W.), Das siidwestliche Arabien. Frankfort, 1914.

Zwemcr (S.M.), Arabia, the Cradle of Islam. Edinburgh, 1900.

Armenia. — In the Treaty of Peace with Turkey, the latter agrees to aocept the arbitration of the President of the United States upon the question of the frontier between Turkey and Armenia in the vilayets of Erzeruni, Trebizond, Van, and Bitlis, and upon Armenia's access to the sea. (For Russian Armenia, seepage 1244).