Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1485

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Great Britain, 3 sqq

administration, since 1846, 10 agricultural education, 30, 64

— holdings, 63 agriculture, 60 sqq Air Council, 60

• — — Force, 44, 46, 60 Ministry, 9, 60

— allotments, 63

— area, 13, 60 ; cultivated, 61 army, 51, and see parts of the

Empire administration, 52, 53

— Air Force, 60 commands, 52

estimates, 44, 45, 46, 53

expenditure, 51, 53

garrisons abroad, 51, 53

in Constantinople, 51, 53, 1340

in Egypt, 265-6

in Germany, 51, 53

in Mesopotamia, 51, 53, 1350

in Palestine, 51, 53, 1352

in India, 51, 52, 136, 137

military education, 53

native troops. 51, 53

— new, 51, 52

— organisation, 51, 52 5i»

— regular, 51, 52 reserve, 52

— territorial, 51, 52, 53 Armv Council, 52, 53 Bank of England, 83, 84 banks, chartered, 83

— post-office, 83

— trustee, 83

— barley produce, 61, 62

— battleships, 55-57

— births, marriages, deaths, 25

— blast furnaces, 68

— Board of Admiralty, 54

— Bd. of Education, 9, 31, 32, 33, 34

— books of reference, 86 sq<[

— boroughs, 12

— budgets, 41-6 Cabinet, 7-9

War, 7, 8, 51

canals, 80, 81

— census of 1911, 13

— cities, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24

— Civil List, 4, 44, 46

— Civil Services, 44, 45, 46 ; esti- mates, 45


Great Britain, coal exports, 67

— coal ports, 67

— coal raised, 66. 67

— coaling stus., 112,197*251, 349,373 "

— colonial expenditure, 91

— colonies and dominions, 91 sqq

— commerce, 69 sqq

— Commons, House of, 5, 6, 10

— consolidated fund services, 4,44,46

— constitution and government. 5


— copper, 66

imports, 68, 75

— corn and green crops, 61, 62

— cotton, consumption, 69

exports & imports, 69, 74, 75. It

— Councils, County, 10, 11, 31, 32 District, 11, 13

Parish, 11

— Counties, Administrative, Eng-

land and Wales, 10 ; list, 16-17

— County Associations, 10

— county boroughs, 12, 13, 31 ; list,


— County Councils, 10, 11, 31, 32

— credit," 82

— criminal statistics, 38

— crops, 61, 62

— Crown Colonies, 91

— Crown lands revenue, 43, 46

— cruisers, 55, 57—59

— customs, 42, 44, 46, 47 valuation, 69, 70

— debt, 44, 49, 50 local, 50

— — National, 44, 48 sqq War, 44, 49, 50

— defence {see aho Army, & Navy),

51 sqq Imperial, 51

— destroyers, 55, 5P

— Development Commissioners, 64

— District Councils, 11, 13

— dockyards, 280, 373

— Dominions, &c, sec under Names

— Dominion navies, 59

— education, 30 sqq

agricultural. 30, 64

Board of, 9, 31, 32, 33, 34

elementary, 33-5

finance of, 30 sqq, 35

secoudary and technical, &c.,
