Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1545

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Pennsylvania, forestry, 603

— Germans in, 602

— horticulture, 603

— imports and exports, 604

— Indians in, 602

— iron, 604

— leather trade, 604

— lire st»ck, 603

— local government, 601

— manufactures, 604

— mining, 603, 604

— natural gas, 604

— petroleum, 604

— ports, 492, 604

— production and industry, 477, 478,


— public lands, 475

— railways, 604

— religion, 602

— representation, 453, 601

— savings b-tnks, 604

— shipping, 492, 604

— tobacco, 478, 603

— universities, 602

— wheat, 477, 603

— wool, 603

Penon de la Gomera (Sp. Af.), 1284 Penonome (Panama), 1149 Penrhyn Island (Cook Islands), 436 Pensacola (Florida), 524, 525, 526

— nava 1 yard, 471

Pensions, nee Invalidity, and Old-

Age, &c. , Pensions Penza (Russia), 1226 ; town, 1228 Peoria (Illinois), 461, 532 Perak (Malay St.), 165, 170,171. 172,

173 Perene District (Peru), cocoa 1178 :

coffee, 1178 Pergamino (Argentina), 670 Perim Island (Red Sea), 95 Perbis, Las (Nicaragua), port, 1127 Perlis (Malay State), 174, 175 Perm (Russia). 1226 ; town, 1228 Pernambuco (Brazil), 715, 718 : rail- ways, 722 ; sugar factories, 720 ; town, 715 Pernik coal mines (Bulgaria), 731 Peros Bauhos Is. (Mauritius), 194 Perpignan (France), 844 Persia, 1163 sqq

— agreement with Britain, 1164,

1167, 1168, 1170


Persia, agriculture, 1168

— area and population, 1164

— army, 1164, 1167

— banking and credit, 1170

— books of reference, 1173

— British advisers, 1164, 1167, 1168

— carpets, 1168, 1169

— cities, 1165

— coal, 1168

— commerce, 148, 1163

— communications, 1169, 1170. 1171

— constitution and government,

1163. 1164

— copper, 1168

— customs, 1164, 1168

— debt, 1166

— defence, 1164, 1167

— diplomatic representatives, 1172

— education, 1165

— finance, 1166

— foreign loans, 1164, 1167

— frontiers, 662

— government, central, 1163, 1164

— — local, 1164

— imports and exports, 148, 1168

1169, 1170

— iron, 1168

— justice, 1166

— local government, 1164

— Mejlis or Majlis, 1163, 1164

— minerals, 1168

— ministry, 1164

— money, weights, measures, 1171

— naphtha, 1168

— National Council, 1163

— navy, 1168

— nomads, 1165

— official titles, llo4

— opium, 1168, 1169

— pearl fishing, 1168

— petroleum, 1168, 1169

— ports, 1166, 1168, 1169

— posts and telegraphs, 1171

— production and industry, 1168

— provinces, 1164, 11 68

— railways, 1161, 1170

— religion, 1165

— river navigation, 1170

— roads, 1170, 1171

— royal family, 1163

— Shah, 1163

— shipping, 1169

— silk, 1168, 1169