Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1558

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Russia, grain monopoly, 1234, 1235

— Holy Synod, 1229

— illiteracy, 12ol

— imports and exports, 1236, 1937

— independent or semi-independent

States, 1224, 1242, sqq

— industrial organisation, 1236

— iron and steel, 1235

— justice and crime, 1231

— labour schools, 1230

— land ownership, 1224

— live stock, 1235

— local government, 1225

— manufactures, 1235, 1236

— mercantile marine, 1237

— minerals, 1235

— money, weights, k measures, 1231,


— nationalisation of industry, 1224,

1235, 1236

— navy, 1232 sqq

Baltic Fleet, 1232, 1233, 1234

Black Sea Fleet, 1232, 1233,

1234 dockyards, 1233

— oil, 1235

— patriarchates, 1229

— peat, 1235

— People's Commissaries, 1223,

1224, 1225

— population, 1225 sqq

rural and urban, 1227, 1228

— President, 1223

— production and industry, 1234 sqq

— railways, 1237

— religion, 1229

— river navigation, 1237

— salt, 1235

— schools, 1230, 1231 labour, 1230

— — secondary, 1231 technical, 1231

— shipping and navigation, 1237

— Soviets, 1224, 1225

— sugar, 1237

— Supreme Economic Council, 1231,


— timber, 1237

— tobacco, 1235, 1237

— towns, 1228, 1229

— Treaty with Lithuania, 1249

— universities, 1 230

— wheat, 1234, 1235


Russ. Turkestan, see under Turkestan Riistringen (Oldenburg), 921 Ruthenia (Czecho-Slovakia), 789, 790, 795

— area and population, 791

— education, 791

— forests, 795 Rutland (Vermont), 622

Ryazan (Russia), 1226 ; town, 1228

Rybinsk (Russia), 1228

Ryburg (Switz.), salt mines, 1326

Saadani (Tanganyika), 183

Saar Basin, 843, 919 ; coal output,

860 Saarbriicken (Germany), 920 Saaremaa-Oesel (Esthonia), 827 Saba Island (Dutch W.I. ), 1121 Sabac (Serb, Croat, Slovene), 1266 Sabine (U.S.A.), port, 492 Sabiyah (Asir), 1348 Sacavem (Portugal), 1199 Sachsen (Prussia), 954 Sachsen, Freistaat (Saxony), 958 Sackville Univ. (New Brunswick),


Sacramento (California), 461,510,511 Sado Islands (Japan), 1038, 1039 Sadong( Sarawak), wireless stn., 100 Safed (Palestine), 1353 Sam (Morocco), port, 1085, 1089 Saga (Japan), 1040 Sagallo (French Somali Coast), 894 Saginaw (Michigan), 461, 559 Sahara, 871, 896, 900, 903, 1030

— area and population, 871, 896

— books of reference, 902

— Oases, 881 Saharanpur (India), 127 Sahel, the (Tunis), olives, 905 Saiad race (Baluchistan), 160 Said, El ( Egypt), 259

Saigon (Cochin-China) 874, 875, 877, 878

— manufactures, 875 ; port, 876,

877 St. Andrews University, 30, 31 St. Ann's Bay (Jamaica), 341 St. Augustine Is. (Pacific), 444 St. bartnelemy Is. (Guadeloupe), 908 St. Benoit(R6uuion), 894 St. Boniface (Canada), 312