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Council of fire members, chosen by the white settlers, for consultative pnrpg •

Revenue, 1915-19, 152,099/. (native tax, 83,485/. : customs, 36,421/. ; posts and telegraphs, 9,679/. ; stamps and licences, 7,571/.; medical, 6,547/.; fines and fees, 2,764/.) ; expenditure, 199,170/. Revenue, 1919-20, 149,792/. ; expenditure, 215,288/. Imports, exclusive of specie. 19] 9, 434,354/. ; exports, 454,366/., including living animals, 70,852/., copper ore, etc., 26,821/.; pig lead and ingot, 208,045/.; corn, grain, and flour, 63,305/. ; hides, skins, and horns, 17,333/.

The capital of the Company was originally 1,000,000/. ; in 1908 it amounted, by successive additions, to 9,000,000/. ; amount issued and paid up at March 31, 1917, 8,937,533/.; debentures (5 per cent, free of tax), 1,250,000/.

Administrator of Southern Rhodesia. — Sir Drummond Chaplin, K.C.M.G.

Acting Administrator of Northern Rhodesia. — EL C. Marshall, C. M.G.

Resident Commissioner. — C. Douglas Jones, C.M.G.


Annual Reports and other publications of the British South Africa Company. — In- formation for Settlers. — Handbooks for Tourists and Sportsmen (latest editions)

Papers respecting the, Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, signed June 11, 1891. [Manica Arbitration.] London, 1S97. — Award of H.M. the King of Italy, respecting the Western Boundary of the Barotse Kingdom, 1005. London, 1905. — Papers -respecting Native Reserves in -Southern Rhodesia. London, 1917 and 1920. — Papers relating to the Commission appointed to take an account of the amount due to the Biitish .South Africa Company in certain eventualities. London, 19XL

Bent(J.Th.), The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland. London, 1893.

Bertrand (A.), Au Pays des Ba-rotsi. Paris, 1898. [Also Eng. Trans. London, 189S.]

Brown (A. S. and G. G.), Guide to South Africa. London. Annual.

Brotcn (W. H.), On the South African Frontier. [Mashonaland and Matabeleland]. London, 1S99.

Brunton (J. D.), Big Game Hunting in Central Africa. London, 1913.

Bryee(l.). Impressions of South Africa. London.

Coillard ( F.), Sur le Haut Zambeze. Paris, 1S97. [Eng. Trans. On the Threshold of Central Africa. Missionary Work. London, 1897.]

Darter (A.), The Pioneers of Mashonaland. London, 1914.

Fo«(E.), Du Cap an LacNvasse. Paris. 1897.— La Traversee de l'Afrique. Paris, 1900

Fyfe (H. Hamilton), South Africa To-Day, with an Account of Modern Rhodesia. London, 1911.

GoiUdsbury (Cullcn) and Shtane (Hubert), The Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia. London, 1911.

Guide to Rhodesia : For the Use of Tourists and Settlers. Bulawavo, 1914.

Hall (R. N ), and Seal (W. G ), The Ancient Ruins of Rnodesia. London, 1902.

HarrU(J. H.), The Chartered Millions. London, 1920.

Hensman (H.), History of Rhodesia. London, 1900.

Sertoli (Sir E.), The Map of Africa by Treaty. 2 Ed. London, 1897.

Hone (P. F.X Southern Rhodesia. London, 1909.

Hutchinson (G. T.), From the Cape to the Zambezi. London, 1905.

Johnson (J. P.), The Mineral Industry of Rhodesia. Londun, 1011.

Johnston (Sir Harry). A History of the Colonisation of Africa bv Alien Races. London 1899.

Keane (A. H.), Africa. Vol. II., South Africa. 2ndedition. London, 1904.— The Gold of Ophir. London, 1901.

Keltie(3. Scott), The Partition of Africa. 2 Ed. [Contains Bibliographical Appendix ol works on Africa.] London, 1895.

Laing(D. T.), The Matabele Rebellion, 1896. London, 1897.

Lucas (C. K.), Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Vol. IV. Oxford, 1S97.

Haclver (D. R.), Mediaeval Rhodesia. London, 1906.

Melland (F. H.), and Cholmeley (E. H.), Through the Heart of Africa. London, 1912.

iliehell (Sir Lewis), Life of the Right Hon. Cecil J. Rhodes. London, 1910.

Native Races of South Africa (issued by South Africa Native Races Committee). London, 1901

Ortroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales Concernai t l'Afrique. Brussels, 1S9S.