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4,000,000, newspapers, books, kc, 3,600,000 ; parcels, 248,123. Post office revenue, 53,605/. ; expenditure, 170,926/. Telegraph line open (1919), 4,600 miles ; 965 miles of telephone wire.

In December, 1919, the Newfoundland Savings Bank held 2,507,984 dollars standing to the credit of 5,978 depositors ; this is in addition to the amounts held by the Savings Departments of the four banks doing business in St. John's.

The legal coin of the colonj is the gold dollar, equivalent to As. 1 4<f . of British money.

Books of Reference. 1. Official Publications.

Annual Reports of the various Government Departments. St John's.

Census of Newfoundland and Labrador, decennial. St. John's.

Year-Book of Newfoundland (published under official sanction). 8t. John's.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. Annual. London.

Colonial Office List. Annual. London.

Correspondence respecting the Newfoundland Fisheries. United States, No. 1 (1906). London, 1906.

French Fisheries on the Great Bank of Newfoundland and off Iceland. Foreign Office Reports, Miscellaneous Series, No. 492, 1839. London.

Report by the Governor on a visit to the Micmac Indians at Bay d'Espoir. London, 1908.

Colonial Reports. Annual Series.

French Treaty Rights in Newfoundland (Sir J. S. Winter). London, 1S90.

2. Non-Official Publications (Newfoundland).

Ami (H. M-), Editor. North America. Vol. I. Canada and Newfoundland. 2nd ed. revised. London, 1915.

Baedeker t Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. 3rd ed. London, 1907.

BrlUt (A.), La Grande Peche de la Morue a la Terre-Neuve. Paris, 1902.

Birkenhead (Lord), The 8tory of Newfoundland. London, 1920.

Dugmo't (A. K.), Wild Life and the Camera. London, 1912.— Romance of Newfound land Caribou. London, 1913.

FairforA (P.), Peeps at Manv Lands (Newfoundland). London, 1912.

Ootling ( W. G. ), Life of Sir Humphrey Gilbert. London, 1911.

Harvey (M.), Newfoundland, England's Oldest Colony. London, 1897.— Newfoundland In 1897 London , 1897.— Newfoundland in 1900. New York, 1900.

Berbertton and Hovarth, America, including Canada, Newfoundland, etc. London. 1914.

Bouley (James P \ The Beothucks or Red Indians, the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfoundland. Cambridge, 1915.

Loni i W. J.), Northern Trails. Boston and London, 1905.

UeOrath (P. T.), Newfoundland in 1911. London, 1911.

Millait iJ. G.), Newfoundland and its Untrodden Ways. London, 1907.

ferret (R.), La Geographie de Terre-Neuve. Paris, 1914.

Pilot (W.), Geography of Newfoundland. London.

Prov$e(D. W.), A History of Newfoundland. 2nd ed. London, 1897.— The Newfound- land Guide Book, including Labrador and St. Pierre. London, 1905 and 1910.

Sogers (J. D.). Hist Geog. of British Colonies (NewfouudlaudX Oxford, 1911.

Smith (F. E.), The Story of Newfoundland. London, 1901.

XTwnuu (W. M. >.), Trails and Tramps in Alaska and Newfoundland. New York. 1913.

Tilht, (A. W.), British North America, 1703-1867. London, 1911.

JFiUio»(W. B), The Truth about Newfoundland, the Tenth Island. 2nd ed. London

(LABRADOR. ) Cabot (W. B.), Iu Northern Labrador. London, 1912.

Gotlmp (W O.). Labrador, its Discovery, Exploration and Development. London, 1910. Orenjell (Dr. W. F.), Vikings of To-Day. London, 1898.— Labrador. New York, 1909. BtUton (3. K.), Anions the Eskimos of Labrador. London, 1912. Hu&6ard(Mrs. L.), A Woman's Way through Unknown Labrador. New York, 1909. Packard (A. 8.), The Labrador Coast. New York, 1891.