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The paper currency is exchangeable at par against gold. The metric system of weights and measures is universally employed in Finland.

Diplomatic Representatives.

1. Ok Finland in Great Britain. Envoy and Minister. — Ossiau Donner.

Secretary. — Marcus Toilet.

Attaches. — Urho Toivola and Martti Meiikallcu.

2. Of Great Britain in Finland.

Envoy and Minister. — George Jardine Kidston, C.M.G.. Appointed May 4, 1920.'.

Secretaries. — G. A. D. Ogilvie Forbes and 'W. 11. 0. Green. Consul at Helsingfors. — C. H. Mackie.

Books of Reference concerning Finland.

Annuaire Statistique de Finlaudc. Publication du Bureau central de statistique de finlande.

The Republic of Finland. An Economic and Financial Survey. Edited by the Central Statistical Bureau. Helsinefors, 1920.

Finnland im Aufanj des XX Jahrhundcrts. Hcisingfors, 1919.

Atlas de Finlande, Maps and Text. 8 vols. Helsingfors, 1911.

La Question des lies d'Alaud. Docuraentes diplomatiques publics par le Ministcre des Affaires Btrangeres. Helsingfors, 1920.

The Finnish Question in 1911. London, 1911.

Finland. (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office.) London, 1920.

Jilomftedt (Kaarlo), Editor, Finland, its Country and its People. Helsingfors, 1910.

Jiornhak (C), Russland und Finland. Munich, 1909.

Challwub (M.), La Finlande. Paris, 1910.

Dobson (G.), The Finnish Revolution in Preparation. St. Petersburg, 1911.

Fisher (J. R.), Finland and the Tsars. New ed. London, 1901.

Frederikten (N. C), Finland, its Public and Private Economy. London, 1902.

Grbhard (H.l, Co-operation in Finland. London, 191(i.

Habermann (W.), Filmland und die rifl'entliche Meinung Europas. Munich, 1010.

BtcltfOq (Jules), La Finlande anx mille lacs. Paris, 1914.

ilechelin (L. II. S.), Finland in the Nineteenth Century. Helsingfors, 1894,

I'hibbs (Isabella M.), The Grand Duchy of Finland. London. 1903.

Iteade (Arthur), Finland and the Finns. London, 1914.

ttekwiik (G.), Finland To-day. London, 1911.

Traven (R.). Letters from Finland. London, 1911.

Voun0(E.), Finland : The Land of a Thousand Lakes. Loudon, 1912.


Fiume is an independent State created by the Treaty of Rapallo, signed

on November 12, 1920, between Italy and the Kingdom of the Serbs,

Croats and Slovenes. By Article 4 of the Treaty the contracting Powers

•iise the independence of Fiume in perpetuity. The Tieaty has hem

duly ratified, and the rat itu-at inns were exchanged in February, 1921.

The Treaty of London of April 20', 1915, granted Italy a la rye area of

coiil mental Dal mat ia. Difficulties arose between the Italians ami the Yugo-

Slavs as to Italy's share, and the djfficuM tea were complicated by the action of the poet D'Annunzio in seizing Fi nine on September 12, 1919. and annexing it to Italy. The difficulties were, however, solved by the Treaty of Kapallo.

/'resident of the (,'overn/ncn/ of Fiume. — Dr. Gross-ich.

The area of the new State is given as 8 sq. miles and the population as 49,806.

By Article 5 of the Treaty of Rapallo, it is provided that the area of Fiume shall be delimited by a special commission composed half of Italian and half of Yueo-SUv delegates.