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Silk culture, with Government encouragement (primes), is carried on in 24 departments of France— most extensively in Gard, Drome, Ardeche, and Vaucluse. Silk production for 3 years : —


Number of producers

Quantities of

esgs put into


Total Total value of production i produce

1918 1919 1920 . ' .

60,057 52,401 65,592

Kilous 1,678 1,649

1000 Kilogs. 1000 Francs. 3,010 22,258 2,672 20,121 9,202 i —

II. Mining and Metals.

In France there were in 1913, 41,638 mines and quarries in work, with 237,864 workers (180,956 in 1918). The annual yield of all the mines was valued at 829,453,263 francs (33,178,130/.); of quarries, 305,955,651 francs (16,238,226/.).

The following are statistics of the leading mineral and metal products of conceded mines, in metric tons, in 1918 : — coal and lignite, 26,259,083 ; iron ore, 1,572,000 ; pig iron, 1,292,958 (2,412.149 in 1919) ; finished iron and steel, 193,812; worked steel, 1,800,079.

The coal output was as follows for 4 years, in thousands of metric tons: — 1917, 27,757 ; 1918, 24,941 ; 1919, 22,224 ; 1920, 25,276. Coal output of the Saar Basin in 1920, 9,410,433 tooft.

In 1918 the production of ores was : lead, zinc and silver, 25,087 metric- tons ; copper and tin, 811 tons; antimony, 10,020 tons; arsenic and gold, 6,155 tons; manganese, 9,871 tons; and salt, 1,092,581 tons. In 1913 the output of quarries (for building stone, slate, cement, phosphates, &c. ) amounted to the value of 305,955,651 francs (11,744,929/.).

III. Manufactures.

For the numbers of persons employed in the more important industries in 1906, see The Statesman's Year Book for 1916, page 877.

Sugar. — In 1916-17 there were 65 sugar works, employing 18,528 men, 1,063 women, and 335 children, in 1917 18 61 works employing 12,139 men, 1,012 women, and 869 children. The yield of sugar during 12 years (expressed in metric tons of refined sugar) was : —



. 13,08] - 733,902


$10 n I'.ui r: 1019 it


050,488 465,377



1914-1 6 1915 i>; ■19HJ 1,



135,899 185,435



1907 v» 1908-09 1909-10

j 1917-18

' 1918-19

IQ1B 20.

1 107,841


Alcolu)l. — In 1906, 59,616 thousands of gallons of alcohol were produced ; in 1913, 60,145 ; in 191«, 31,672; in 1917, 32,813; in 1918, 18,311 ; in 1919, 18,066 ; aud in 1920, 28,489 thousands of gal Ions.