Page:Statistics of the colored people of Philadelphia.djvu/15

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ing, and many parents were commended for their exertions to secure the attachment of their offspring to it.

Philadelphia Library Company. Organized in 1833. Incorporated in 1837. Number of volumes in the Library, 200. Weekly lectures upon literary and scientific subjects are given, by the members and others, from the first week in October till the following May in each year. Discussions are held after each lecture.

Unity Library Company. Organized in 1851. Number of volumes 500. It has weekly lectures for three months in winter, by its own members and other persons of their own color, after which discussions are held.

Banneker Institute. Organized in 1854. A library is contemplated. It is composed of younger members than either of the others. It has lectures and discussions in season.


1. Mechanical Trades.

Bakers, 4
Baker and Brewer, 1
Barbers, 248
Barber and Bootmaker, 1
Barbers and Musicians, 6
Basket Makers, 2
Blacksmiths, 22
Blacksmith and Calico Stamper, 1
Blacksmith and Shoemaker, 1
Bonnet Presser, 1
Book Binder and Basketmaker, 1
Boot and Shoemakers, 66
Boot and Shoemakers and Musicians, 2
Boot and Shoemaker, Musician, and Music Teacher, 1
Bootmaker, Barber, and Tailor, 1
Brass Founder, 1
Brick Layers, 9
Brick Layers and Plasterers, 4
Brick Makers, (3 branches, Moulders, Setters, and Burners,) 53
Brick Maker and Musician, 1
Brush Maker, 1
Cabinet Makers, 20
Cabinet and Chair Maker, House Painter and Glazier, 1
Cake Bakers, 5
Carpenters, 49
Carver, 1
Carver and Gilder, 1
Carver and Turner, 1
Caulkers and Gravers, 3
Chair Maker, 1
Coach Painter, 1
Confectioners and Pastry Cooks, 7
Coopers, 9
Cracker Bakers, 3
Cupper and Leecher, and Dress Maker, 1
Currier, 1
Dentists, 5
Distillers, 2
Draughtsmen, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, 1
Dressmakers, 565
Dress and Shirt Makers, 50
Dress and Shirt Makers, and Milners, 2
Dress and Shirt Maker, and Pastry Cook, 1
Dyers, 9
Embroiderers, 9
Embroiderers and Dressmakers, 3
Embroiderer and Milliner, 1
Embroiderers and Shirt Makers, 2
Embroiderers and Tailoresses, 2
Embroiderers and Dress and Shirt Makers, 4
Forgemen, 6
Gardners, 2
Garment Cutters, 2
Glove Maker, 1
Gold and Silver Pencil Finisher, 1
Hatters, 4