Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 2.djvu/153

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Cap. 51, 52.
Raw Tobacco.—Stamp Duties.
31 Vict.

Sect. 171 repealed.13. Section one hundred and seventy-one of the Act last above cited is hereby repealed.

This Act to form one with 30 V. c. 8.14. This Act shall be read and construed as forming one Act with the Act last above cited and as forming part of it, so that all Regulations made under this Act and all penalties imposed thereby, and all forfeitures incurred under this Act or under such Regulations, and all things done under this Act shall be held to be made, imposed, incurred and done under the said Act as hereby amended; and all words and expressions in this Act shall have same meaning as is assigned to them respectively in the said Act, and the expression "this Act," either in the said Act or in this Act shall include the said Act and this Act, unless there is something in the context inconsistent with this provision.

Inconsistent enactments repealed.15. All Acts or parts of Acts which may be inconsistent with this Act, are hereby repealed.

Short Title.16. This Act may be cited as "The Act respecting Raw Tobacco."


An Act respecting certain Penalties in respect of Stamp Duties.

[Assented to 22nd May, 1868.]

Preamble.Whereas Stamp Duties on Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange were, so far as the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are concerned, first imposed by an Act of this Parliament, in the first part of the present Session; And whereas, in consequence of the provisions of the said Act being unknown in the said Provinces, many of the inhabitants thereof in ignorance of the necessity of affixing stamps to such intruments, have neglected to comply with the provisions of the said Act, and have thereby incurred penalties: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Exemption from penalty in certain cases.1. No person in either of the said Provinces of Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, being a party to any such Note or Bill made or drawn before the passing of this Act, shall be liable to any penalty in respect of any omission or neglect to affix thereto the proper stamp or stamps; Provided that this Act shall not affect any pending suit, nor any penalty actually paid.