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Bishwhang and Jake Schwartz had overheard the conversation and now, embarrassed, big with clumsy sympathy, they approached Angus. Bishwhang spoke anxiously, for the answer to his question meant much to him.

“Be—be you goin’ away, Angus?”

“I—I guess so.”

“What fur?”

“To learn.”

“Jest to learn?”

Angus nodded.

“That hain’t no reason,” expostulated Bishwhang.

“Mr. Wilkins said so,” Angus replied, as one who invoked deity.

“’Tain’t no reason, is it, Jake?”

“Wa-al, now, Bishwhang, I hain’t prepared offhand to give no final opinion; there might be reason for it, and there might not. I hain’t one to say learnin’ hain’t got no value.”

“Why can’t Angus git learnin’ here?”