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bashfully, but determinedly by her side, his heart thumping, his cheeks flushed, his fingers plucking nervously at the seams of his trousers. He was afraid to speak, so he waited until she should turn and see him…. Presently she sensed a presence and moved her head with a little, startled jerk.

“Oh,” she breathed in relief, “It’s you.”

He nodded.

“What for did you come here? Where ’re you going?”

“Now’eres…. I come—to see—you.”

“I told you,” she said severely, “that I wasn’t allowed to play with you, or have anythin’ to do with you—on account of because you’ve been in jail and—”

“I didn’t come to play with you.” There was a hint of dignity in his reply. “I come to find out.”

“To find out what?”

“About standin’ up for myself—like you said.”

“Oh!” She waited for him to go on. He stood swaying from foot to foot in confusion, striving to put his thoughts into speech. It was she who uttered the first word.

“You did stand up for yourself…. I liked it. Don’t you like it—better than always running away?”

“Yes,” he said, and then, “but maybe anyhow