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agin, I’m a-goin’ to take these two hands and yank you to pieces…. Git!”

Titus Burke slunk into the woods, swearing.

“Come along, Angus,” Jake said, with something in his raucous voice which might have passed for gentleness. “Nothings goin’ to hurt ye now.”

Lydia Canfield followed them silently. At her grandfather’s gate they halted briefly. She regarded Angus with cold eyes, with a haughtiness which seemed to proclaim that she was drawing back from the defilement of his touch even the skirts of her thoughts.

“Was—was that your really, truly father?” she asked.


With deliberation she turned her back upon him and went into the yard. Her manner was elaborate and eloquent. No words could have so expressed to Angus her disdain, or the fact that she was definitely and forever withdrawing from any contact with him or with his problems…. He stared after her piteously. In a moment he said under his breath, “I got to go away to school…. I got to go ’way.”

Another reflection was occupying Jake Schwartz. “Now what in blazes,” he said, “was the name that fellow used when I knowed him in Springfield?”