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Dave read the letter to Jake and Dishwhang, and showed it to Craig Browning. Jake swore profoundly and learnedly; Bishwhang grinned and wriggled. Craig Browning shook hands silently with Dave….

The first six months of Angus’ life in Emporia saw little change in him outwardly; but a great alteration inwardly. To recreate a human being is not the work of hours, but Angus was on the highway to a new identity. His movements were freer, less clumsy. He could smile. Fear had lifted from his shoulders—he was beginning to forget as only youth can forget—and that was the first great step in the process. His study was characterized by a dogged persistence; he learned slowly, demanding reasons. His was not a mind fitted for short cuts, and always he must take the slow, certain, laborious way—but when he arrived at his answer it was usually correct—and he could state his reason for every step in the process…. He was growing.

One friend he made deliberately, one individual he sought out, and that was the proprietor of the Emporia Banner, Peter Waite by name. One Saturday Peter looked up from his case, for Peter was of the old-time editorial brotherhood who composed and “stuck” his editorials at one and the same time, to see a boy leaning on the stone watching him hungrily.