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awkward, awed and frightened. He hoped Dave would open his eyes to recognize him…. Afraid, constrained, crowding down seething emotions, he stood motionless, unable even to whisper. Presently Doctor Knipe was through. He shut his case softly and motioned Angus to follow him. In silence they traversed the hall and descended the stairs, where the doctor stopped abruptly.

“Better git out of Rainbow,” he said.

“I’ve come to stay,” said Angus colorlessly.

“They’ll make it hot for you.”

“I’m going to stay,” Angus said, and something in his tone drew a sharp glance from the physician.

“Rainbow’s built on a rock foundation, and every rock’s got carved onto it, ‘We don’t tolerate anythin’ different.’ You can’t buck it.”

“I’ve got to stay,” said Angus.

“You’re a blasted fool,” snapped the doctor, “and don’t come to me whinin’.” With that he flung himself out of the house. Though Angus did not know it, he had already won a friend, and in his perverse way that friend had given him assurance of aid and comfort. It required long years of custom to know Doc Knipe.

Mary Browning gave Angus a little time to recover himself after the shock of seeing Dave