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him, eh?” He threatened Bishwhang, dared him to disagree with this question. “He’s growed into what Dave wanted, like I knew he would?” Then he cleared his throat and dared Bishwhang with a look to differ with this statement.

Angus had not spoken, but, fumbling in his vest pocket with trembling hand, he brought out a huge silver watch and extended it.

“Look,” he said…. “See…. Every day—I’ve had it on me every day.”

“Hell’s bells!” said Jake again, and once more he cleared his throat of its chronic hoarseness. Bishwhang devoured Angus with his eyes, blubbering the while…. It was a welcome genuine past doubting.

“I’ve come back,” Angus said. “I got to help.”

“Thank Gawd for that,” rumbled Jake.

“He hain’t forgot us, Jake,” said Bishwhang, as though discovering some marvelous fact of nature, “and he kep’ the watch. I wouldn’t ’a’ b’lieved it, no, sir, not if it had been told me in church…. And to think that wunst I knowed more’n him!”

Angus unfolded before them as he could have unfolded before no other created beings. With Dave Wilkins he would have been more repressed, worshiping, for he was not without a certain awe of his benefactor—but Jake and Bishwhang walked with their feet upon his earth,