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its interest in watching him walk on his hind legs has worn off, it will resent him more actively. If he had shown he was afraid the town would have been on his back before this, but he hasn’t shown it. I wonder if he feels it—if he understands.”

“He understands,” said Dave, “better than you or I can ever hope to understand.”

“In another month you’ll be fit for work,” said Henry G.

Dave regarded him inquiringly.

“Your paper—it doesn’t offer opportunities—for more than one. When you go back there’ll be no place for Angus.”

“Wherever I am,” Dave said fiercely, “there will always be a place for Angus.”

“Isn’t it possible he could do better elsewhere?… College, say?”

“He sha’n’t go away again…. He’s back with me—to stay. I won’t let him go.”

“If there were something in Rainbow—”

“Where?” asked Dave bitterly.

“I’ve been watching the boy. He seems to have qualities; a sort of dogged industry, patience, carefulness of detail. Mightn’t those qualities be useful in—say—a bank?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” said Dave shortly.

Henry G. elevated his eyebrows, but made no retort. “I would like to place him in my bank—