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present abode they had settled a scant two weeks before, drawn to Rainbow by what Angus did not know. All he knew was that in a day, a week, they would move on again—and then again endlessly.

“Angy,” said Titus in his most jovial tone, “how’d you like to be left the sole support of that there mother of your’n?”

Angus went on wiping out the spider with a piece of newspaper and made no reply.

“Nice boy!” exclaimed Titus with specious admiration. “Hain’t he a good, obedient, respectful son? Hain’t he p’lite to his daddy? Every time I speak he answers up pleasant and cheer-full-like…. Angy loves his ol’ daddy.”

The spider was hung on a nail and Angus began washing dishes in the tin hand basin.

“Hear me speakin’ to ye?” Titus roared with sudden menace. “If you didn’t I’ll contrive to fix up your hearin’…. How’d ye like to be left the sole support of this mother of your’n?”

“Now don’t go talkin’ that way, Titus,” said his wife from the mattress. Already her voice was stronger, more lifelike, for the drug was working its miracle.

“Shet up,” said Titus briefly. “Don’t go interferin’ betwixt parent and child. Don’t go settin’ this sweet boy agin his daddy that he thinks so much of.” He turned his attention to Angus