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It was in the succeeding spring that Chet Bowen died, and his wife found satisfaction in a funeral whose carriages extended almost from the home to the graveyard. He was buried in a black suit which made him look somehow unnatural, for his natural color was a drab rustiness…. Mr. Woodhouse, instead of hiring an experienced man from the city, promoted Angus to the cashier’s position in Chet’s place, and elevated Gene Goff to be a species of bookkeeper-assistant, to look after a great deal of the petty detail which had occupied Bowen. Another bookkeeper was brought in, and in this way Angus was given time to continue as Mr. Woodhouse’s personal representative, as well as to undertake duties in the bank which never had been entrusted to his predecessor. For Mr. Woodhouse had marked qualities in Angus which made him valuable to the old man, qualities of level-headed common sense, of acute perception, of initiative…. Angus was by way of becoming Rainbow’s most important financial person-