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upon his graduation from college—making the error of letting it appear that, in his opinion, young Malcolm should begin as soon as possible to learn to husband the fortune which was to be his upon Mr. Woodhouse’s death. He went away with the sort of flea in his ear which Henry G. was so capable of placing when he deemed the moment required it…. And Judge Crane’s fear of Angus’s influence fanned his hatred of the boy to fresh heat….

Sometimes Mr. Woodhouse would absent himself from the oflice for days at a time; sometimes he would look in once or twice during the day…. He was satisfied, but, what is of more importance to Angus Burke, Rainbow was growing satisfied, too. It had tested his mettle. It had known the touch of his ability, and gradually it was not only becoming accustomed to him, but, in a business way, was commencing to give him its respect…. So Henry G. was able to spend much of his time in his library or in driving about the countryside behind the finest team in Rainbow—for of automobiles he would have none. His position was enviable, even if it was arrived at so late in life. He was learning to enjoy what remained to him of his years…. Not every man finds an assistant so dependable as to make this pleasant state of affairs possible….