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bank,” Angus said calmly. “You will have to deal with me.”

“I demand to know where he is.”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot tell you.”

“Burke,” blustered the Judge, “I’ll have you out of here for this, you—”

“We will discuss the matter of this loan,” Angus said concisely. “You already have, as I said, an unsecured note with us for two thousand dollars. Now, without security or endorsements, you ask for fifteen hundred more…. As a lawyer, you know that is not business. Banks do not loan that way.”

“There was no difficulty about the first loan,” Crane said, glaring at Angus.

“That loan was asked and granted on the ground of relationship. There was no business in it…. This is a different matter. I am not empowered to make friendly loans, nor loans of sentiment.”

“Then give me Mr. Woodhouse’s address.”

Angus disregarded the question. “If you bring me adequate security I will be glad to advance this money. Either that or a satisfactory endorser.”

“Why, you—you young—. You know my son will own this business some day…. You know….”