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fixedly, studying him as if he were some new and interesting creature she had never seen before. Presently, without replying, she turned her eyes away, closed them, seemed forgetful of his presence…. She did not look at Malcolm again—but through the trees she could see Angus Burke talking with Myrtle Cuyler; felt an impulse to go to him, a desire to hear his voice, to be close by his side….

Crane was speaking again—into ears which heard but did not comprehend…. Her desire to be near Angus was almost irresistible. It frightened her—the hunger of it terrified her. How could she hold out against such hunger? Was it possible this unwanted love of hers would prove strong enough to overcome her will—break down the determination to shut him out of her life? She feared it would…. Yes…. Her resolution to go away was the only safe refuge, and she must go soon. Something, she knew not what, might surprise her into yielding—some unexpected event might betray her….

By an effort she compelled herself to listen to Malcolm’s impassioned voice. “I’ve never wanted any other girl. Ever since we were babies together I’ve thought of you as my wife—you know I have…. When we were little we used to play we were married—do you remember?”