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in-law and the grandfather of her children. Her soul cried out in revolt…. The disgrace of it! To have the world point to Titus Burke as her husband’s father….

“I can’t turn him away,” Angus said dully. “He’s my—father.”

“Your father,” she repeated after him. “Your father… Oh!”

“He’s dying—old—helpless…. I can’t—”

She raised her head. “You mean—you will take him in—let him live in Rainbow—where people will see and know?”

“I—I got to, Lydia.”

She sprang away from him with fists clenched, eyes flashing as with fever. “You would take him in—that! To have people point to. To disgrace you—and me!… You sha’n’t…. You sha’n’t. It’s horrible. Oh, Angus, send him away now—before anybody can know.”

“Lydia—dear—I can’t send him away…. He’s dying.”

She was calmer for a moment, laid her hand on his arm pleadingly. “Send him away, Angus…. I’ll go into the house, and you—you send him away before I come back…. For me…. I’ll—I’ll pretend this never happened—that it was a—horrid dream…. For me, Angus…. Please—please!”

He shook his head.