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He is the man who ran away with Kate Woodhouse!”

“Kate Woodhouse!… Henry G.’s daughter?”


The significance of the statement did not pierce to Craig’s consciousness for a moment; then he leaned forward, as tense as his friend, as filled with excitement.

“Then—then you think—”

“What else is there to think?… What brought them back to Rainbow…. What other boy would they have with them?… But the thing is to prove it, Craig—to prove it. We must prove it before we utter a word to anybody. There might be some mistake.”

“Yes…. Yes….”

“You’re in command,” said Dave.

“In that case,” said Craig, “we’ll pay a call on Titus Burke.” His voice was grim, determined. It boded unpleasantness for Titus should he prove obdurate.

Presently Craig said, “Dave, we mustn’t get our hearts set on this thing. On the face of it it looks to me to be difficult, if not impossible, to establish Angus as Henry G.’s grandson. Even if Titus admits he is Cassius Hughes and that Angus is Kate’s son, we are still far from proofs which would be acceptable in a court of