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its sheriff in the prosecution of his duty. Had the day been made public holiday by proclamation, no more people would have been present and no more lunch pails and boxes would have been packed.

Prosecutor Crane, papers in hand, obviously under mental stress, and equally obviously desirous that all should be aware of the importance of his position, took his place at the table. Young Craig Browning, attorney at law and solicitor in Chancery, occupied the opposite side, sitting with apparent nonchalance, and hoping his prospective clients in the audience would observe his ease of bearing and coolness in this first great moment of his life. His eyes looked dreamily out of the window at the early sunshine, as he pictured this day to himself as the first of a long succession of dramatic successes at the bar…. As Dave Wilkins had anticipated, young Browning gladly accepted the defense of Angus Burke, his only fee the twenty-five dollars he would receive from the county as the attorney assigned for the defense of an accused who would otherwise be deprived of the benefit of counsel.

Presently the door opened—the door leading to the cells below—and Deputy Pilkinton, solemn-visaged, of an importance unbelievable, dragged Angus Burke into view. The child was handcuffed to his wrist…. The spectacle