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this desire to accomplish, this first real effort of Angus’s life should be recognized, and its results nurtured and trained and encouraged. To the suppressed mind of the boy the cleaning of the floor had been a project of great weightiness; he had given to it his best…. Now he waited with anxiety for the verdict.

“Angus,” said Dave, “I don’t call to mind a cleaner, better swept floor. I declare, I’m proud of you.”

Angus drew a deep breath and his eyes gleamed. For an instant he stood vivified, a fleeting picture of what he might become. Then the curtain dropped and nothing remained but such a look of dumb gratitude and affection as made Wilkins turn away abruptly…. Angus drew another audible breath, gulped, and stammered, “Ain’t there nothin’ else I kin do?”

Wilkins was distinctly pleased. Angus had known his first taste of praise and was hungry for more…. How does the most careful definition of ambition differ from this? From that moment Dave had no doubts—Angus Burke could be reclaimed.

“There are lots of things you can do,” he said, “and if you do them all as well as you did this—I shall be satisfied with you.”

In this way began Angus Burke’s apprenticeship—auspiciously. During the days which