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Overload. TESTS OF 500-K.W. CURTIS TURBINE, AT NEWPORT STATION OF THE OLD COLONY RAILWAY CO. Full Load. STEAM-TURBINES. Superheatedl Saturated Steam, Steam. Saturated Steam. Saturated Steam. Superheated Steam. 25% Overload. 50 % Overload. 50% Overload. 1. Duration, hours.. 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.0) 2.0 2.0 1.75 2. Moisture in steam, per rent. 3. Dry steam used per hour, lls. 4. K.W, used by condenser aux- iliaries. 1.9 1.3 1.6 10470 10,558 10000.3 9411.7 8269.7 13950 15453 17260 12.3 12.6 12.6 15.1 13.J 12.7 12.8 13.0 5. .W. aufput, foul. 520.4 530.5 512.3 528.9 519.7 665.7 764.3 6. Electrical 11.P. output, tocal 709.4 722.9 686.5 708.7 696.4 892.0 1024.2 780.3 10:45.6 7. Steam-pressure near throttle. pounds hy gage.... 141.6 144.0 145,4 147.I 145.7 1-12.5 1-16.2 146.6 8. Vaewon in first stage, inches mercury. 8.3-9.9 8.1-10.3 9.6-10.7 9.8-10.1 11.3-13.1 5.1 4-0.7 pl. 3+1 pd.-1 9. Vacuum in second stage, and exhaust chamber, inclos met- eury.. 28.6 28.7 29.1 28.5 29.6 28.8 28.7 26.6 10. Absolute pressure in exhaust- chamber, inches........ 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 11. Baratmeter, inches. 29.7 29.9 30.0 29.6 29.8 30.1 1.1 30.0 3.0 29.6 12. Temperature of steam at super- heater, degrees F... 450.5 537.0 695.8 13. Temperature of steam at throt- tle, degrees F. 361.I 377.3 423.1 512.3 651.0 485.4 361.4 361.6 11 Superheat at throttle... deg. F. 15 Temperature in first stage, 16 Superheat in first stage, 16.1 61.8 150.5 289.6 131.9 191. 194.0 191.5 253.4 337.I 231.5 215.0 220.0 0.0 0.0 62.4 150.0 47.5 17. Temperature in exhaust pas- sage, degrees F 78.0 78.7 76.9 79.8 99.0 81.5 87.3 117.0 18. Superheat in exhaust-passage, degrees 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 19 Average revolutions per min- ute ........... 1812.0 1829.0 1830.0 1835.0 1850.0 1815.0 1814.0 1807.0 20 Dry steam per K W. hour, Ibs.. 21. Dry steam per E.11.1. hour, bs. 22. BT.U per E.H.P hour. 19.78 19.57 19.52 17.79 15.91 17.95 20.22 22.12 14.76 14.61 14.37 13.28 11.87 13.40 15.09 16.51 16923 16855 17076 16167 15012 16119 17165 18291