Page:Stebbins, C. A. - A Guide to the Birds of the Pacific Coast.djvu/13

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Calaveras Warbler—Back olive, green running to yellow on rump; throat and breast bright yellow; head and cheeks bluish gray with chocolate crown patch; song something like the chipping sparrows.

Western Yellow-throat—Forehead and cheeks black, back olive-green; throat and breast a rich yellow; black mask bordered with white. He is a shy songster and frequents the banks of creeks and marshes.

Lawrence Goldfinch—Smaller than English sparrow. Crown, throat and front of cheeks black; body gray; back gray and yellow; outer tail feathers with white spots near the end.

Audubon Warbler

Audubon Warbler—Smaller than English sparrow; crown, rump, shoulders and throat yellow; back blue-gray, streaked with black; wing-bars white; breast light, marked with black.

Willow or California Goldfinch—Smaller than English sparrow; crown, wings and tail black; tail and wings marked with white; back and under parts yellow.

Arkansas Goldfinch—Similar to willow goldfinch, but back is tinged with dark green and the yellow is not so bright.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet—Smaller than English sparrow; upper parts grayish olive; red crown patch; white ring around small black eyes; under parts gray tinged with yellow; crown patch sometimes undistinguishable.

Western Golden-crowned Kinglet—Smaller than English sparrow; upper parts olive green; crown yellow; under parts whitish tinged with brown; white line over the eye.

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