Page:Stebbins, C. A. - A Guide to the Birds of the Pacific Coast.djvu/18

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Western House Wren—Smaller than English sparrow; upper parts grayish cinnamon brown; under parts grayish tinged with brown; back barred; tail held at an abrupt angle with body; call, a scolding ker-ring.

English Sparrow—Throat and upper breast black; crown gray; band behind eye and on nape brown. Under parts dirty white; back wings and rump brown streaked with black. Black patch on breast very distinct.

Western Robin

Western Robin—Head dark; upper parts slate gray; wings and tail darker; breast rust-brown; abdomen white. Found usually feeding near the ground.

Western Chipping Sparrow—Smaller than English sparrow; under parts streaked gray, brown streak on head; light under parts.

Heerman Song Sparrow—Size English sparrow. Above brownish olive-gray with distinct black streaks; tail without a decided rufous tinge; black and brown stripes below radiating from throat.

San Diego Sparrow—Similar to Heerman song sparrow but lighter and smaller.

Thick-billed Sparrow—Larger than English sparrow. Above and spots below brownish gray; wings and tail brown; bill large.

Western Lark Sparrow—Upper parts brownish gray streaked with black; head and throat marked with black streaks radiating from bill; chestnut patch on side of head; under parts white; black spot on breast.

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