Page:Stebbins, C. A. - A Guide to the Birds of the Pacific Coast.djvu/21

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Great Blue Heron Much larger than crow. Generally blue; center of crown white; crest, legs black, black markings on under parts; neck and legs very long. In flight the neck is doubled.

Sandhill Crane—Much larger than crow. Body brownish-gray; long legs and bill.

Barn Owl or Monkey-faced Owl—Larger than robin. Upper parts grayish-brown spotted; under parts white speckled with brown; large white eye-rings nearly hiding bill; eyes black.

California Pigmy Owl—Smaller than robin; upper parts grayish brown, with rusty spots; top of head spotted.

Snowy Owl—Much larger than crow. Body white with some black markings.

Killdeer—Robin size. Rump and upper tail feathers rusty; other upper parts grayish-brown; under parts white with two black bands on breast; white band around neck.

Western Red-tail (Hawk)—Colors vary, usually sooty-brown, and rusty mixed. Tail red with black bars.

Red-bellied Hawk—Upper parts rusty brown; under parts white, washed lightly with brown; breast unbroken brown; under tail whitish marked with black bars.