Page:Stebbins, C. A. - A Guide to the Birds of the Pacific Coast.djvu/8

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look for "Birds Having Blue Markings." Then look under sizes for birds larger than the robin, turn to the index, locate, and read the descriptions of the birds, and you are formally introduced to the new friend.

As opportunities offer, complete the study as suggested in the separate supplement.

One of the greatest pleasures the birds may offer you is through their songs, so learn to listen for and recognize the birds' voices at all times, whether bird-hunting or at work. Whenever a new note is heard, trace it to its maker. Accurate recognition is often dependent upon the bird's song or call. If you are musically inclined, place their songs to notes and try imitating their songs on musical instruments.

Learn to see correctly and to interpret wisely. Many see the apple pecked and the wheat kernel disappear, but do not see the quick efforts of the same birds which mean the death of a codling moth larva (the small "worm" found in apples) or a grasshopper. Cultivate sharp eyes for the good work done as well as for the evil and you will have a good basis for economic judgment.

Life History of the Codling Moth.

From drawings made by pupils.

Some Bird Laws

Federal laws: "The importation of the English sparrow and other injurious birds—is prohibited."

All hunting or killing, etc., in the Mount Rainier and the Yellowstone National parks is prohibited.

State laws: All wild birds, excepting the Cooper's Hawk, the Sharp-shinned Hawk, the Duck Hawk, the Great Horned Owl, the Blue Jay, the Linnet, and the English Sparrow are protected.

Any person who in the State of California, "shall at any time hunt, shoot, shoot at, pursue, take, kill, or destroy, buy, sell, give away, or have in his possession—except those above mentioned—or shall rob the nest, or take, sell or offer for sale, or destroy the eggs of any wild bird, other than those above named, is guilty of a misdemeanor" and is

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