Page:Stevenson - Prince Otto. A Romance.djvu/214

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heads together and condemned you. But they reckoned without you and me. We make a partie carré, Prince, in love and politics. They lead an ace, but we shall trump it. Come, partner, shall I draw my card?’

‘Madam,’ he said, ‘explain yourself. Indeed I fail to comprehend.’

‘See, then,’ said she; and handed him the order.

He took it, looked upon it with a start; and then, still without speech, he put his hand before his face. She waited for a word in vain.

‘What!’ she cried, ‘do you take the thing down-heartedly? As well seek wine in a milk-pail as love in that girl’s heart! Be done with this, and be a man. After the league of the lions, let us have a conspiracy of mice, and pull this piece of machinery to ground. You were brisk enough last night when nothing was at stake and all was frolic. Well, here is better sport; here is life indeed.’

He got to his feet with some alacrity, and his face, which was a little flushed, bore the marks of resolution.

‘Madame von Rosen,’ said he, ‘I am neither unconscious nor ungrateful; this is the true continuation of your friendship; but I see that I must disappoint your expectations. You seem to expect from me some effort of resistance; but