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The St. Martin's Library

Pott 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 2S. net each; leather, gilt edges, 3s. net each.

By WALTER BESANT. London. All Sorts and Conditions.

By HALL CAINE. The Deemster.

By WILKIE COLLINS. The Woman in White.


Robinson Crusoe. With 37 Illustrations by George Cruikshank.

By THOMAS HARDY. Under the Greenwood Tree.

By BRET HARTE. Condensed Novels.

By O. W. HOLMES. The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. With Illustrations by J. G. Thomson

RICHARD JEFFERIES. The Life of the Fields. The Open Air. Nature near London.

By CHARLES READE. The Cloister and the Hearth. 'It is Never Too Late to Mend.'

By R. L. STEVENSON. Memories and Portraits. Virginibus Puerisque. Men and Books. Across the Plains. The Merry Men. New Arabian Nights. The Pocket R. L. S.: Favourite Passages.

By MARK TWAIN. Sketches.

WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler.

London: CHATTO & WINDUS, III St. Martin's Lane, W.C.