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Ohnet (Georges), Novels by. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each.

Doctor Rameau. | A Liast I^ova.

A WolFd Gift. Crown 8to, cloth, y. 6d.; post 8vo, picture boards, as.

Oliphant (Mrs.), Novels by.

The Primrose Path.

The Greatest Heiress In England.

Post 8vo, illustrated boards, w. each, I Whlteladlea.

O'Reilly (Mrs.).— Phogbe*8 Fortunes. Post 8vo, illust. boards, 25. Pa?e (H. A.), Works by.

Thoreau: His Life and Aims. With Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Ump, «. td. Animal Anecdotes. Arranged on a New Principle. Crown 8to, cloth extra, $«.

Pandurang Hari; or, Memoirs of a Hindoo. With Preface by Sir

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Pascal's Provincial Letters. A New Translation, with Historical

Introduction and Notes by T. M'CRIE, D.D. Post 8to, cloth limp, as.

Paul (Margaret A.).— Gentle and Simple. Crown 8vo, cloth, with

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Payn (James), Novels by.

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Lost Sir Massingbsrd.

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Less Black than We're Painted.

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What He Cost Her.

Kit: A Memory.

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Pennell (H. Cholmondeley), Works by. Post 8vo, cloth, 2*. 64. ea.

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Pirkis (C. L.), Novels by.

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Poe's (Edgar Allan) Choice Works in Prose and Poetry. With Introduction by CHARLES BAUDELAIRE, Portrait and, Facsimiles. Crown 8vo, plptb, 7/. ^ TbO Mystery of OS^rie Rogeti 3tc, Post 8vo, Ulustratsd beards, v.