Page:Stories Translated from the German.djvu/200

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Göthe has mistaken in this place the word Joke, [Spasz] for Yoke [Joch], and he was certainly not hasty, like so many other clever translators; the commencement, "We are the fools of time," misled him. I must also add, that he has entirely failed in the expression of the whole monologue, as any body may easily convince himself by comparing this verse with the original.

Our famous serious Schiller has endeavoured to translate the Italian story of Turandot, and immediately in the first scene he makes Kalaf relate:

"Am Fusz
des Kaukasus raubt eine wilde Horde
Von Malandrinen' uns die Schätze."

[At the foot of the Caucasus a wild horde of Malandrines plunder us of our treasures.]

In Gozzi it is:

"Sotto 'l monte Caucaseo i malandrini
Ci spoliaron di tutto."

One might ask, who does not then know, that "Malandrini" mean robbers? But Schiller (who treats Fr. Schlegel as an ignorant man) considers them to be a nation. And he and Göthe, both of