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as he might have done, challenge respect of the duke, but went into the hall as a common guest, and seated himself at the bottom of the table. There he sat, studying the favour of the duke, who was of a most noble appearance. His tanned cheek was freckled yellow with the sun: his eye fiery, and dark as his hair; and that curling heavily and as black as a crow. There hung a gold chain about his neck, and thereto a lady's likeness; and a favour of lady's hair, as yellow as gold, was tied above his naked elbow. His shoulders were covered with a lion's skin: his neck was bare and black with the sun of many a day: his belt was a chain of iron, and his kirtle of sable skins. Behind him stood dark boys, beautiful as Arcadians; one bearing his cup and grapes, and the other resting as David on Goliath's sword. Soft music was heard from without, and the Tuscan spoke: his voice was as the sound of the sea in a cave.

The trumpets sounded as he had commanded; the sweet music passed under the battlements, and when the doors opened, and the duchess advanced, his eyes shot fire. Shaking back his hair, he advanced towards her with extended arms, moving like a leopard. When they embraced, and her yellow hair mingled with his