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her pain. And lastly, whilst your hot veins were swelling with delight, you let her poorly die. You sold her unto death for your enjoyments—a sacrifice. You did not pause; wherefore, as you lie upon your back in these nettles, I will not pause!" So saying, he took him by the wrist, and stabbed him to the heart, and so killed him.

And he went to the court, where the elders were assembled, waiting for the duke's presence, to tell him of the death of his lady. Alfred walked in before them, and breaking his sword threw it on the ground; and after a short silence, he told them whose blood it was upon him, and what he had done. So they fell upon him, and bound him; while some went to the forest, and there found the duke upon his back, as he had said, stabbed through and through. They made a bier of twisted boughs, with loose leaves strewed over it, and brought the body into the hall.

They would not hear Alfred; but condemned him to be beheaded on the third day. But on the night of the second he died in his prison, of a broken heart.