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IN Ravenna, an ancient city of Italy, was a certain judge of great wisdom and piety; much honoured, and enjoying the good esteem of his friends. He had but one child, a daughter named Julia, of tender years, of the greatest beauty, and most delicately brought up.

It happened, that he took a secretary into his house, to dwell with him, and manage some part of the weighty public business that devolved upon him. This youth's name was Lysius, a scholar; and, at bottom, of the deepest feeling. Julia no sooner saw him than she loved him, and laid her beauty at his feet; and being of a sensitive and delicate nature, and continually in his company, her colour faded, and her deep yearnings of affection touched every thought with melancholy. Lysius liked her as a beautiful woman, but was indifferent to the delicacy of