Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/118

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Then the Cat went again to the Parrot and said, "Come, friend, let us go and gather in the harvest."

Said the Parrot, "I can't come now, because I am whetting my bill on the branch of a mango-tree."

So the Cat went alone and gathered in the harvest. She put it away in barns and made ready for the threshing. Then she went again to the Parrot and said, "Come, friend, let us winnow the grain from the chaff."

Said the Parrot, "I can't come now, because I am whetting my bill on the branch of a mango-tree."

So the Cat went alone and winnowed the grain from the chaff. Then she went again to the Parrot and said, "Come, friend, the grain is all winnowed and sifted. Come and let us divide it between us."

"I will," shrieked the Parrot so loudly that he lost his balance, fell from the branch of the mango-tree, and cracked open his poll. That put an end to him. So the Cat had all the grain for herself.

Eastern folk tale


Said the Table to the Chair,
"You can hardly be aware
How I suffer from the heat
And from chilblains on my feet.