Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/120

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Then they whispered to each other,
"O delightful little brother,
What a lovely walk we've taken!
Let us dine on beans and bacon."
So the Ducky and the leetle
Browny-Mousy and the Beetle
Dined and danced upon their heads
Till they toddled to their beds.

Edward Lear


"Once upon a time," said the stork, "and a very good time it was, there was a ship, a wonderful ship that could sail on land, dry land."

"Oh!" said the chicks.

"I know what I tell,"
  Cried the stork,
"I know it well, very well,
I saw it with my own eyes."

"This wonderful ship went on legs," said the stork. "Long legs."

"Oh!" said the chicks and the ducklings.

"I know what I tell,
I know what I tell,"
  Shouted the stork,
"I know it well, very well,
I saw it with my own eyes."