Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/155

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Holle said, "I am glad that you long for your home, and as you have served me so truly, I myself will take you up again." She took her by the hand, and led her to a large door. The door opened, and just as the maiden was standing beneath the door-*way, a heavy shower of golden rain fell, and all the gold remained on her, so that she was covered with it.

"You shall have that because you are so industrious," said Mother Holle; and at the same time she gave her back the shuttle which the girl had let fall into the well. Then the door closed, and the maiden found herself up above the earth, not far from her mother's house.

As she went into the yard, the cock standing by the well-side cried,

Your golden girl's come back to you!"

So she went in to her mother. And because she arrived covered with gold, her mother and sister were glad to have her back.

The girl told all that had happened to her. As soon as the mother heard how she had come by so much gold, she was very anxious that the same good luck should come to the ugly and lazy daughter. So she made her seat herself by the well and spin. But the idle girl did not work. To stain the spindle with blood, she stuck her hand into a thorn bush and