Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/268

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The kitten lay curled up in a ball fast asleep. The pup was broad awake.

He stole up to kitty, lifted his paw, and gave her a tap on the nose. Then he scampered off. Up started kitty, and round and round the kitchen went the pup with kitty after him.

It made the kitchen clock so dizzy to watch them that she put up her long hand to steady her head.—"One," rang the bell inside of her.

"Time's up," cried the pup. And he and kitty sat down on the mat side by side and the pup put out his tongue and laughed at the fun.


Everybody was out. So of course Dan, the pup, was master of the house. He trotted proudly through the halls and poked his nose into every room, for burglars.

In his master's room he heard something say, "Tick, tick, tick, tick." Dan pricked up his ears. Somebody was in the house. Who could it be? A glove lay on the floor near the mantel. Dan walked over and began to sniff at it.

"One," struck the clock on the mantelpiece. Dan scampered off as fast as his legs could carry him.