Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/279

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Out there was the cuckoo clock that said "R-r-r-r-." Baby stopped and looked up at it. A door in the clock opened, and out came a little bird who cried, "Cuck-oo, cuck-oo, cuck-oo." In he went again and the door shut.

Baby gurgled with glee. "I tee oo," she cried. She sat down to wait for the little bird to come out and play again.

But mother found her, and carried her back on the good ship Mother's Arms.


One day four little white pigs and three little white geese met together near Rover's kennel. But they were so full of themselves that they did not notice where they were.

"We stole out while Mother Sow was dozing after dinner," screamed the little pigs. They laughed so much they rolled on the ground.

"We stole out while Mother Goose was gabbling with a neighbor," giggled the little geese. And they hugged their sides to think how clever they were.

"What's this! what's this!" growled Rover, coming to the door of his kennel.

The pigs squealed with fright and the geese clacked in terror. All took to their heels, back to their mothers.