Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/289

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of the wedding the servant was dancing about in the pretty dress she had made. The bride said to the bridegroom, "How that girl jumps about dressed in my odds and ends!" The bridegroom asked the bride what she meant. Then she told him that the servant was wearing a dress made of the flax she had thrown away. When the bridegroom heard that, he knew how lazy and wasteful she was.

"The other girl is the wife for me," said he. And he married the other girl in the very dress she had made out of the odds and ends.

Folk tale


One day as Abraham Lincoln rode along on his horse he saw a pig struggling to keep herself from sinking into a deep place filled with mud. The poor thing was squealing in terror, because the mud was sucking her in.

At first Lincoln rode by without stopping. But his kind heart could not forget the pig. He turned back, got down from his horse, and drew the pig out of the mud.


There was once a foolish little grasshopper that spent all her time playing. Through the long