Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/76

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artificial in gesture; not pedantic nor studied in speech—but sincere and simple. The Child's Part in Story-Telling Let us tabulate some of the things the child naturally does as his part in story-telling. The table will be incomplete, but it may be suggestive. What is the child's part in story-telling? (1) It is listening.

(2) It is remaining silent.

(3) It is commenting.

(4) It is joining in.

(5) It is re-telling.

(6) It is partial re-telling.

(7) It is telling other stories.

(8) It is inventing stories.

(9) It is expressing sometimes story images in other media.

(10) It is sometimes playing the stories.

(11) It is growing by the power and grace of the story.

(1) It is listening. Let us not underrate the child's quiet part as listener harkening to the story again and again to catch wider and deeper vision of it.

(2) It is remaining silent. When it is the