Page:Stories by Foreign Authors (Scandinavian).djvu/200

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VOLUME X. Pancha T. A. Janvier The Ablest Man in the World . . E. P. Mitchell Young Moll's Peevy C. A. Stevens Manmat'ha Charles De Kay A Daring Fiction H. H. Boyesen The Story of Two Lives Julia Schayer Handsomely Bound in Hngtish buckram doth PRICE PER VOLUME, 75 CENTS « « « « 

    • The public ought to appreciate the value

of this series, which is preserving permanently in American literature short stories that have contributed to its advancement. American writers lead all others in this form of fiction, and their best work appears in these volumes. They ought to be in every private library. . . It should have an honorary place in every library, because it is the only undertak- ing of its kind, and has been carried out with a taste and judgment that have secured the best short stories of American fiction." — Boston Globe, • ♦ ♦ » CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK